People of WV: Like People of Walmart, Only Better

While at the gym today, I saw something I never thought I would see: a women working out in a three piece suit. I promise you reader, I couldn’t make this up if I tried. I walk into the cardio room, expecting it to be empty like it is most days, and I see this interesting specimen. Dress shoes and all, she was peddling away on the stationary bike. And the most peculiar thing about her was what she was intently watching on the television.

Drum roll please……. The hunting channel, I kid you not! I mean, I suppose I can see wanting to look good while working out, but to combine this with such a redneck activity is beyond my comprehension.

People of West Virginia have an overwhelming interesting concept of style. It is the state where mullets are a daily occurrence and little kids frequent the playgrounds with rat tails. Camouflage clothing is a wardrobe stable and baseball hats with the bills rolled up as tight as they can get them are acceptable at the finest of dinning establishments.

Regardless of our people’s inability to get with the times, we sure are a friendly bunch. We are the kind of people who love to give people directions. We saY things like, “Well buddy, ya go up there on 64 and you’ll pass a green house and it’s right there on the left. If you go past a pink house you’ve gone too far”. It seems that other places I go just aren’t as friendly or kind. Here, people still stop to help someone who is broke down on the side of the road and can leave there houses unlocked at night because they know their neighbors will keep an eye out for them.

I love West Virginia! It’s been a wonderful place to grow up and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.

Love always,

P.S. Here is the unofficial anthem of WV, enjoy: