Ms. Unavailable: That is me

Some wise person on my facebook posted this link about Mr. Unavaliable. ( She posted this warning that we should be looking out for this person, so naturally I read it to inform myself about this dangerous guy, only to learn I am the female version of Mr. Unavailable. I am Ms. Unavailable.

I exhibit all of the characteristics:

1. He starts off relationships telling the other person how busy he is, but really I am! I have two jobs, have classes, am in the process of starting a college club, and I’m studying for the LSAT. Let me also say that I don’t ask guys out, so its not like i’m pursing these guys when I know I lead a busy life. I just like to go out occasionally, which I don’t think is a bad quality for someone in my position.

2. He blame’s timing as the cause of bad things in relationships. I have done that every single time I break up with someone.

3. He is all about the chase. I love the chase in the beginning of a relationship! Its so thrilling and interesting because you never know what is going to happen. I do loose interest as the relationship progresses.

4. He is reliant on text messages as primary means of communication. I love text messaging. That is how I talk to just about everyone in my life. Talking on the phone just really irritates me.

5. He is ambiguous about his relationship status. I am very ambiguous about my status with someone. I DO NOT want to rush into something with someone, I want things to flow naturally. So I don’t see the big deal with just say, “Oh we have been seeing each other a bit lately”, and leave it at that.

6. He mentions old relationships. This was an issue in my last relationship. I just can not help it. I feel like your past relationships are what have made you who you are today. So I don’t quite relate with people who refuse to talk about them. I want to know where you have been so I can see where you are going. (Those who don’t learn from past mistakes are doomed to repeat it).

7. He is a momma’s boy. I am definitely a momma’s girl. My mother and I are very close. Especially since I still live at home, we hang out together quite a bit.

8. He sticks to a stringent routine. I am such a habit former. Once I find a routine that works for me I will stick with it, with very few alterations. I’m very type A in that matter.

9. He determines the momentum of the relationship. I know this might surprise you considering the statement made above (drum roll please), but I am a control freak. There I said it. I like to be in control of how fast the relationship progresses. I am not big on things not going the way I think they should go. And I definitely use my virgin status to my advantage in how fast a relationship progresses

Well, thats me. Ms. Unavailable. I know can put a label on my dating behavior. So fellas, be sure you look out for women like me, we are dangerous. We will hurt you with out even realizing it (I’ve come to realize I did this to my ex and I feel terrible about it).
